Luna Bilingual Therapy Clinic is a private speech therapy clinic founded in 2022 by Paola Varon M.S., CCC – SLP, focused on helping children reach their maximum potential by providing exceptional speech therapy services.
Paola was born and raised in Colombia, where she graduated from the Rosario University in Bogota with a Bachelor of Science in Language and Speech Therapy in 1994. She earned a Master of Science in Speech and Language Pathology from the Central University of Cataluña in 2013. She completed a complementary Language, Speech, and Voice Pathology course in the Iberoamericana University Corporation in 2017.
Paola is certified by the Texas Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She has over ten years of experience working in early intervention and outpatient clinics, where she cared for children with diverse disabilities and needs. Paola has diagnosed and treated receptive language, expressive language, articulation, phonological processing, oral-motor functioning, fluency, dysphagia, and pragmatic language cases in toddlers, preschool, and school-aged children. She has experience with individual therapy, augmentative communication (including pictures and device-based communication), social stories, and play therapy. She has successfully implemented various auxiliary treatment applications into her practice, including LAMP and Proloquo.
Paola has been treating children with developmental delays and children who have already been diagnosed with autism and various syndromes. She attends continuing education classes to remain current on speech therapy techniques and approach treatments.
Some of her specialized training include:
Language Acquisition Through Motor Planning LAMP.
Words for Life: Features and Programming for LAMP.
When Children Won’t Eat: Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders – Assessment and Treatment Using SOS Approach to Feeding.
Talk Tools. Nonverbal Autism: How to Break Through
The Power of Play: Effective Play Based Therapy and Early Intervention.
At Luna Bilingual Speech Therapy Clinic, our patients come first, and we are committed to providing them with comprehensive and excellent care in a compassionate and friendly environment.